英語 英文法 独立不定詞
To begin with 「まず初めに」
To begin with, wash your hands.
Needless to say 「言うまでもなく」
Needless to say, you must not play game with smartpgone.
To tell the truth 「正直にいうと」
To tell the truth, I caught Pikachu in Pokemon GO at that night.
strange to say 「不思議なことだが」
Strange to say, I always catch Pikachu.
So to speak 「言わば」
So to speak, I am a Pokemon Professor.
To be sure 「確かに」
To be sure, He is telling the truth.
To speak frankly 「率直に言って」
To speak frankly, that is impossible!
to put it briefly 「手短に言えば」
To put it briefly, it is a a software bug.
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