英語 英文法 分詞構文の慣用表現
generally speaking 「一般的にいえば」
Generally speaking, women is talkative.
frankly speaking 「率直に言えば」
Frankly speaking, this novel isn't interesting.
strictly speaking 「厳密にいえば」
Strictly speaking, barbecue is different from yakiniku.
relatively speaking 「相対的に言えば」
Relatively speaking, UCC COFFEE is delicious.
judging from 「〜から判断すれば」
Judging from the look of the sky , it is likely to rain.
according to 「〜によれば」
According to today's Yahoo news, the actor was arrested for possession of drugs.
talking of 「〜と言えば」
Talking of chocolate, GODIVA is famous for chocolate in the world.
owing to 「〜のために」
Owing to illness, I was absent from the conference.
concerning 「〜に関して」
Concerning the new stadium, people said it was a waste of money.
regarding 「〜に関して」
Regarding the news, I don't know anything.
considering 「〜を考慮に入れると」
Considering your condition, you should take a rest.
providing (that) 「もし〜ならば」
provided (that) 「もし〜ならば」
Providing you visit the Fireworks Festival, I'd like to go with you.
granting (that) 「仮に〜としても」
granted (that) 「仮に〜としても」
Granted that he likes Pikachu, he will not be able to easily find it.
weather permitting 「天気がよければ」
Weather permitting, I will do the washing.
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