
英語 英文法 受動態の分詞構文


"接続詞 + S(主語) + be動詞 + V(動詞:過去分詞)"を、
Being + 過去分詞で置き換える。Beingは省略できる。

When he was killed by Gorgo 13, he was 30 years old.
⇒ Being killed by Gorgo 13, he was 30 years old.
⇒ Killed by Gorgo 13, he was 30 years old.

Because the cat is painted yellow, the cat seems like Pikachu.
⇒ Being painted yellow, the cat seems like Pikachu.
⇒ Painted yellow, the cat seems like Pikachu.

Having beenは省略できる。

As I had been cheated by him before, we couldn't trust him.
⇒ Having been cheated by him before, we couldn't trust him.
⇒ Cheated by him before, we couldn't trust him.

As he has been brought up in the country, he likes nature.
⇒ Having been brought up in the country, he likes nature.
⇒ Brought up in the country, he likes nature.

 英文法 不定詞・動名詞・分詞 練習問題↑

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