英語 英文法 前置詞を含む慣用表現
at any moment 「どの瞬間にも、いまにも」
Judging from the look of the sky, it's going to rain at any moment.
at best 「よくても」
At best I can earn only ten dollars a week.
at most 「多くとも、せいぜい」
I can pay 20 dollars at most.
at least 「少なくとも」
She goes to the beauty salon at least once a week.
at worst 「悪くとも」
At worst he will win a silver medal.
at once 「直ぐに」
You may go there at once.
by chance 「偶然に」
I found lost watch by chance.
for a while 「暫くの間」
I will take a break for a while.
once in a while 「時々」
We go fishing together once in a while.
for the first time in a while 「久しぶりに」
I met an old friend for the first time in a while.
in a hurry 「急いで」
I am in a hurry now.
on purpose 「わざと」
I didn't do it on purpose.
on the other hand 「一方で」
Living in a big city is convenient, on the other hand it could be more stressful.
out of work 「失業している」
I am out of work.
out of order 「故障している」
This copy machine is out of order.
out of stock 「在庫がない」
The new product is currently out of stock.
without difficulty 「苦にせず、簡単に」
He did it without difficulty.
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