
英語 英文法 動詞と前置詞の組み合わせ3


derive A from B 「BをAから引き出す、得る」
He derive knowledge from internet.

discourage A from B 「AにBを思いとどませる、やめさせようとする」
The bad weather discouraged us from going out.

distinguish A from B 「AとBを区別する」
distinguish between A and B 「AとBを区別する」
It is hard to distinguish her from her twin sister.
He couldn't distinguish between dreams and reality.

distract A from B 「AにBから注意をそらす」
The music distracted me from studying.

elaborate on 「〜に磨きをかける、を詳しく述べる」
He has to elaborate on the project.

encourage A in B 「AにBのことを励ます」
encourage A to B 「AにBすることを励ます」
My teacher encouraged me in studying English.
My teacher encouraged me to study English.

emerge from 「〜から出てくる、脱する」
A chick will emerge from eggshell.

escape from 「〜から逃げる」
escape to 「〜へ逃げる」
He can not escape from prison.
She is going to escape to a foreign country.

experiment on/upon 「〜の(実験の対象)実験をする」
experiment in 「〜の(実験の分野)実験をする」
experiment with 「〜で(実験の道具)実験をする」
The food company experiments on mice to test new product.
They experimented in utilizing solar energy.

excuse A for B 「BについてAを許す」
She excused him for his mistake.

exchange A for B 「AをBと交換する」
exchange A with B 「AをB(人)と交換する」
I exchanged an old product for a new product.
I exchanged baseball cards with my friends.

exclude A from B 「AをBから締め出す、AをBから除く」
Would you exclude the tax from it ?

expel A from B 「AをBから追い払う」
The famous player was expeled from the team.

explain A to B 「AをBに説明する」
I explained the progress of new project to him.

be faced with 「〜に直面する」
Japan is faced with financial crises.

feel like -ing 「〜したい」
feel like    「〜のように感じる」
I feel like eating sukiyaki.

fight against/with 「〜と戦う」
fight for 「〜のために戦う」
We have to fight against terrorism.
They are fighting for their country.

forget about 「〜を忘れる」
I will never forget about that.

forgive A for B 「BのことでAを許す」
I forgave him for being late.

guess at 「〜を推測する」
How do you guess at the future ?

get married to 「〜と結婚する」
I will get married to her.

get rid of 「〜を取り除く、免れる、処分する」
We have to get rid of a harmful insect.

get tired of 「〜に飽きる、嫌気がさす」
We got tired of TV.

grumbled about 「〜について不満を言う」
He grumbled about crowded trains.

hear of/about 「〜について聞く」
Did you hear about his rumor ?

hide from 「〜から隠れる」
hide A from B 「AをBから隠す」
A suspected person hid from a police.
He hid a person from the police.

hope for 「〜を願う」
in the hope of 「〜を望んで」
I hope for your success.
Many people went to the seminar in the hope of learning anything new.

help with 「〜を手伝う」
help A with B 「AのBを手伝う」
We all helped with the harvest.
He helped his wife with the work in the kitchen.

hinder A from B 「AがBするのを邪魔する、妨げる、遅らせる」
Hevy snow hindered the train from starting.

impress A with B 「AにBを印象付ける」
The car accident impressed me with importance of safe driving.

insist on 「〜を主張する、を要求する」
He insisted on the need for emergency aid.

insure A against B 「AにBの保険をかける」
I insured my house against earthquake.

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