
英語 英文法 場所・位置・方位を表す前置詞


at 「〜で、〜に」
I saw the famous actor at the party.
We will soon make a brief stop at Tokyo station.

in 「〜で、〜に」
I live in Osaka.
There are many temples in Nara.

into 「〜に、〜の中に」
He walked into the shop.

on 「〜の上に」
There is a book on the desk.
My son dropped a spoon on the floor.

over 「〜に、〜の上に」
There is a bridge over a river.
You must not jump over the fence.

above 「〜の上に」
Our plane was flying above the mountain.
Hokkaido is above Tokyo.

up 「〜の上に」
He climbed up the tree.
Go up the stairs.

beneath 「〜の下に」
I hid it beneath the bed.

under 「〜の下に」
There are some boxes under the table.

below 「〜の下に」
The sun sank below the horizon.

down 「〜の下に」
The cat walked down the stairs.
Please sit down.

between 「〜の間」 2つの間
There is a cat between the trees.
The Tokaido shinkansen runs between Tokyo and Osaka.

among 「〜の間」 3つ以上の間
I found him among the crowd.

by 「〜のそばに」
He lives by the sea.
The dog was sleeping by me.

beside 「〜のそばに」
The cat sat beside me.

near 「〜の近くに」
There is a city office near the shopping street.
I live near the station.

around 「〜の周りに」
There are three banks around the station.
I want to travel around the world.

round 「〜の周りを」
He looked round him.

before 「〜の前に」
She was sitting before us.

behind 「〜の後ろに」
There is a lake behind the mountain.

after 「〜の後に」
The dog followed after me.

across 「〜の向こうに」
There is a restaurant across the street.

through 「〜を通って」
The bird came in through a window.

for 「〜へ」
We will leave for London next month.
He left Osaka for Tokyo.

to 「〜に」
We went to Australia last year.
I gave a book to him.

toward 「〜に向かって」
The bus is traveling toward Fukuoka.

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