
英語 英文法 動詞と前置詞の組み合わせ5


result in 「〜の結果をもたらす」
result from 「〜によって結果が生じる」
Their effort resulted in the success.
This success resulted from their effort.

retire from 「〜を退職する、引退する」
He retired from business.

remind A(人) of B(物) 「AにBを思い出させる」
The music remind me of your father.

rob A(人) of B(物) 「AからBを奪う」
A mugger robbed him of his bag.

search for 「〜(物)を捜す」
search A for B 「Bを見つけるためにA(場所)を捜す」
I will searh for the blue bird of happiness.
I searched the drawer for the missing ring.

see to 「〜に注意する、気をつける、世話をする」
I will see to it.
Would you see to my dog ?

shout for 「〜を求めて叫ぶ」
shout to 「〜に向かって叫ぶ」
shout at 「〜を怒鳴る」
Someone is shouting for help.

smile at 「〜に微笑む」
smile on 「〜からに幸運が微笑む、〜に運が向く」
Lady Luck smiled on me.

specialize in 「〜を専攻する、専門に扱う」
The doctor specializes in oriental medicine.

speak to 「〜と話す」
I will speak to her.

stand for 「〜を表す、〜を支持する、味方する」
UN stands for the United Nations.
We don't stand for terrorism.

stare at 「〜をじっと見る、凝視する」
Don't stare at me.

stem from 「〜から生じる、〜を由来とする」
Obesity stem from lifestyle issues.

subscribe to 「〜に寄付する、〜を(予約)購読する」
subscribe A to B 「AにBを寄付する」
subscribe for 「〜を寄付する」
He subscribe to the newspaper.
He will subscribe to charities.
He subscribed 3,000 dollars to charities.
He subscribed for 3,000 dollars.

substitute A for B 「Bの代わりにAを使う」
substitute for 「〜の代わりをする、代理をする」
I don't want to substitute margarine for butter.
She will substitute for the chairman.

succeed at/in 「〜で成功する、〜に成功する」
succeed in -ing 「〜することに成功する」
He will succeed in business.
They succeeded in developing new products.

suffer from 「〜に苦しむ、〜に悩む、〜を患う」
I am suffering from hay fever.

save A from B 「AをBから救い出す」
He saved the cat from drowning.

sentence A to B 「AにBを宣告する」
The judge sentenced him to two year's imprisonment.

share B(物) with A(人) 「BをAに分ける、分配する」
He shared his food with the poor.

subject A to B 「AをBに服従させる」
The king subjected many countries to his rule.

suspect A(人) of B 「AにBの疑いをかける」
He was suspected of the murder.

talk to 「〜と話す、〜と話し合う」
talk with 「〜と話し合う」
talk about B to/with A 「BについてAと話し合う」
I will talk to you later.
I would like to talk about the plan with you.

think of 「〜のことを考える」
think about 「〜のことを熟慮する」
They are thinking of a new plan.

turn to 「〜に取り掛かる、〜に向きを変える、〜に頼る」
He turned to his homework.
Turn to the right.
He turned to me for help.

tell A(人) about B 「BについてAに話す」
I can not tell you about it.

thank A(人) for B 「BのことでAに感謝する」
I thank you for your kindness.

translate A into B 「AをBに翻訳する、AをBに移す、直す」
She can translate an English sentence into Japanese.

trust A(人) with B 「AにBを打ち明ける、Aを信頼してBを任せる、預ける」
He trusted me with his secrets.
They completely trust you with the work.

use A for B 「AをBのために使う」
He used the money for living expenses.

vote for 「〜に賛成の投票をする」
vote against 「〜に反対の投票をする」
He voted for the proposal.
He voted against the proposal.

wait for 「〜を待つ」
wait A for B 「BのためにAを遅らせる」
I am waiting for the bus.
You don't have to wait the dinner for me.

wonder at 「〜を不思議に思う、〜に驚く」
wonder about 「〜を疑問に思う」
I wondered at the latest technology.
I wondered about the results of a study.

work on 「〜に取り組む、従事する」
He is working on a new project.

worry about 「〜について心配する」
Don't worry about it.

write to 「〜に手紙を書く、便りをする」
write about 「〜について書く」
write A about B 「BについてAを書く」
I will write to you soon.
I will write a report about marine pollution.

warn A(人) of/about/against B 「BについてAに注意する、警告する」
He warned us against pickpockets.

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