英語 英文法 形容詞 数、量や程度を表す形容詞句
a lot of 可算名詞 「たくさんの、多くの〜」
There are a lot of books.
lots of 不可算名詞 「たくさんの、多くの〜」
I had lots of fun today.
a number of 可算名詞 「たくさんの、多くの〜」
There are a number of environmental issues in Japan.
the number of 可算名詞 「〜の数」を表し単数扱い。
The number of students in one class is therty.
a greate number of 可算名詞 「たくさんの、多くの〜」
A greate number of students participated in the event.
a large number of 可算名詞 「たくさんの、多くの〜」
A large number of people use the internet.
a great deal of 不可算名詞 「たくさんの、多くの〜」
There is a great deal of useful information.
a greate amount of 不可算名詞 「たくさんの、多くの〜」
He spent a large amount of time.
a large amount of 不可算名詞 「たくさんの、多くの〜」
He spent a large amount of money.
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