
英語 英文法 従属接続詞 名詞節を導くもの

従属接続詞 名詞節を導くもの

that 〜「〜ということ」
The fact is that I can not speak English.
I know that he studies English every day.
It is true that she can speak English fluently.

if 〜「〜かどうか」
We want to know if it will rain tomorrow.
I don't know if you can speak Spanish.

whether 〜「〜かどうか」
The important point is whether we have a lot of information.
I can not decide whether to go out or not.
I asked him whether he could or could not ride a motorcycle.


when 〜「いつ〜するか」
We know when the postal matter will be delivered.
I know when he will come tomorrow.
I will tell you when he will come back.

 英文法 接続詞 練習問題↑

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