
英語 英文法 時制 時制の一致

 B. 時制


  He think the cat is cute.
  He thought the cat was cute.
  She says that she lived in Japan.
  She says that she has lived in Japan.
  She will say that she lived in Japan.
  She will say that she has lived in Japan.
  He said, "I have lived in Japan". 従属節が現在完了
  He said that he have lived in Japan. ×
  ⇒ He said that he had lived in Japan. ○
  He said, "I lived in Japan". 従属節が過去
  He said that he lived in Japan. ×
  ⇒ He said that he had lived in Japan. ○


  yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last month,
  two days ago, two months ago, two years ago
  He has visited the park yesterday. ×
  ⇒ He visited the park yesterday. ○
  When have you watched the movie? ×
  ⇒ When did you watch the movie? ○
  When have you finished the work? ×
  ⇒ When did you finish the work? ○


  I have been studying English when he arrived. ×
  ⇒ I had been studying English when he arrived. ○
  We have already finished our dinner when he came home. ×
  ⇒ We had already finished our dinner when he came home. ○


  When you will arrive at the airport, I will still be working in my office. ×
  ⇒ When you arrive at the airport, I will still be working in my office. ○
  Before we will leave, we are going to hold a telephone conference. ×
  ⇒ Before we leave, we are going to hold a telephone conference. ○


  If it will rains tomorrow, I'll stay at home. ×
  ⇒ If it rains tomorrow, I'll stay at home. ○

  英文法 時制 練習問題↑

 B. 時制トップ↑       英語文法解説↑


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