
英語 英文法 代名詞 代名詞の種類

 D. 名詞 代名詞 冠詞


  人称代名詞 : 人称の区別を示す代名詞。
          単数        複数
      主格 所有格 目的格 主格 所有格 目的格
  1人称  I   my  me   we  our  us
  2人称  you  your  you   you  your  you
  3人称  he  his  him   they  their  them
       she  her  her
       it   its   it
  所有代名詞 : 所有物を表す代名詞。
      単数  複数
  1人称 mine ours
  2人称 yours yours
  3人称 his  theirs
  This is my car. ⇒ This car is mine.
  That is not your car. ⇒ That car is not yours.
  指示代名詞 : 事物を指し示す代名詞。
  this, that, these, those, such, same, so
  不定代名詞 : 特定のものを指さず、漠然と不定の人や事物、数量などを表す代名詞。
  one, other, another
  the other : 2つあるうちの残りの1つ。
  I have two books. One is novel, and the other is comic.
  another : 残っているうちの別の1つ。
  Could you show me another?
  the others : 3つ以上あるうちの残り(残り全て)。
  There are four balls. One is blue, the others are red.
  others : 3つ以上あるうちの残り(残りのいくつか)。
  Some are blue and others are red.
  some, any
  some 「いくつか/いくらか/何人かの〜」肯定文で使われる。
  I know some of them.
  any 「いくつか/いくらか/何人かの〜」疑問文、否定文で使われる。
  I don't know any.

  Would you like some green tea ?
  Could I have some water ?

  each, all
  each 「おのおの、それぞれ」
  Each of us has his dream.
  all 「全ての、あらゆる」
  I will tell you all.
  All of his cars have good mileage.
  both, either, neither, none
  both 「両方の」
  Both of them can use the computer.
   either 「どちらか一方」
   Either of them can use the computer.
  neither 「どちらも〜ない」
  Neither of them can use the computer.
  None 「いずれも、どれも〜ない」
  None of them can use the computer.
  anything, everything
  anything 「何でも」
  I can eat anything that is edible.
  everything 「全部、残らず全て」
  My cat is everything to me.
  someone, anyone
  someone 「ある人、だれか」
  Someone is in the room.
  anyone 「だれでも、だれにも」
  Anyone may use the library.

  英文法 名詞・代名詞・冠詞 練習問題↑

 D. 名詞・代名詞・冠詞トップ↑       英語文法解説↑


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