
英語 英文法 分詞構文

 J. 不定詞 動名詞 分詞


  "接続詞 + S(主語) + V(動詞)"を、分詞で置き換えた文。



  時を表す分詞構文。接続詞が、when while after before など。
  When I saw the picture, I remembered my childhood.
  ⇒ Seeing the picture, I remembered my childhood.
  When I ate the beef bowl in Yoshinoya, I was very happy.
  ⇒ Eating the beef bowl in Yoshinoya, I was very happy.
   When I was jogging on the street, I found the Google Street View Car.
  ⇒ Jogging on the street, I found the Google Street View Car.
  While he was watching the movie, he took a note of an actor's lines.
  ⇒ Watching the movie, he took a note of an actor's lines.
  After we had finished eating dinner, he came home.
  ⇒ We having finished eating dinner, he came home. [独立分詞構文]
  原因、理由を表す分詞構文。接続詞が、as because since など。
  As she had a lot of money, she was able to buy the Cadillac.
  ⇒ Having a lot of money, she was able to buy the Cadillac.
  As it was so cold, we didn't want to go out.
  ⇒ It being very cold, we didn't want to go out. [独立分詞構文]
  As I have finished the work, I have nothing to do else.
  ⇒ Having finished the work, I have nothing to do else.
  Because he was sick, he was absent from school.
  ⇒ Being sick, he was absent from school.
  Because I missed the train, I was late for the meeting.
  ⇒ Missing the train, I was late for the meeting.
  Since I didn't know the news, I collected information by all possible means.
  ⇒ Not knowing the news, I collected information by all possible means. [否定文]
  If you turn to the left, you will find the ramen shop.
  ⇒ Turning to the left, you will find the ramen shop.
  If you study very hard, you will pass the exam.
  ⇒ Studying very hard, you will pass the exam.
  If it is fine tomorrow, I will go shopping.
  ⇒ If being fine tomorrow, I will go shopping. [独立分詞構文]
  譲歩を表す分詞構文。接続詞が、although though。
  Though I admit what she said, I still think that she is right.
  ⇒ Admitting what she said, I still think that she is right.
  Although he lives in Tokyo, he has never been to Tokyo tower.
  ⇒ Living in Tokyo, he has never been to Tokyo tower.
  While he was reading a book, he ate dinner.
  ⇒ Reading a book, he ate dinner.
  While he was watching TV, he fell asleep.
  ⇒ Watching TV, I fell asleep.


  She was sitting on the sofa, with her legs crossed.
  She was listening to the music, with her eyes closed.
  He sat in the sofa with his arms folded.
  A heavy earthquake and tsunami hit nuclear plant, and it caused great damage.
  ⇒ A heavy earthquake and tsunami hit nuclear plant, causing great damage.

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